Reviews & references

At Atom Agency we strive for excellence in everything we do, and your feedback plays a critical role in this process. Share your experience with Atom Agency and our services below. After completing the form, your reference will appear below along with all reviews.

How to submit your review

Sharing your experience with Atom Agency is easy and only takes a few minutes.

  1. Personal information: Start by filling in your name and company name in the form.
  2. Rating and justification: Enter a rating for your experience with us and our services. Write a short justification.
  3. LinkedIn verification: To ensure that each review is genuine, we ask you for a link to your public LinkedIn profile and the URL of your public LinkedIn image.
How do I copy my LinkedIn profile?

On your computer, go to your LinkedIn feed and click on your profile picture, which will take you to your public LinkedIn page. Then copy the URL and paste it into the "LinkedIn public profile URL" field.

How do I copy my LinkedIn picture?

Do the same steps as above, but instead of copying the URL, right-click on your profile picture and select "Copy image address". Then paste the URL into the "LinkedIn public image URL" field.

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Atom Agency is an innovative and creative company with a personal and professional approach.
Csaba Madru



Strainlabs AB

Atom is a professional full-service digital agency that manages to take advantage of being small, fast, flexible and easy to work with - without compromising on quality, service and results. I have had the privilege of working with the team at Atom who have created customized websites, targeted advertising, beautiful demo films, and simple images and templates that facilitate the branding job in the daily work. I'm very happy with the cooperation and highly recommend them to other companies looking for a reliable and skilled partner.
Alexandra Johnsson



Paindrainer AB

Atom helps us develop and secure our websites in a very uncomplicated and simple way. They fix everything without making you feel like an idiot!
Carl Groth




Atom Agency has put together a great informative site to help the market find quality assured search dogs. Atom Agency understands what you mean and can explain the pros and cons so you get a modern, user-friendly site with high visibility on Google. And when you need to get things adjusted, it's easy and fast! With our warmest recommendations.
Maria Delin



The industry organization for search dogs

How incredibly awesome those atoms are!
Max Ehle



Max & Friends

Atom Agency are professional and always at the forefront of the latest developments. Highly recommended.
Mårten Lindahl



Lindahl Media

I have worked with Daniel and his team on two different companies where I was CEO. Atom Agency They come up with innovative suggestions and are quick on their feet. Their output is always very good and I can highly recommend this marketing agency to other companies.
Martin Warenholt



Self-employed persons

I have been working with Atom Agency for a long time and have always been very satisfied. I especially appreciate their fast support.
Johan Åberg



Nivide AB

Our work together with Atom Agency is characterized by pleasantness and knowledge. A very good team with innovative thoughts, focus on function and design that appeals. Highly recommended!
Ann Ånäs



Tensor Properties

Very nice and made a great website for us :)
Johan Söderqvist



Kraft och Montage i Syd AB

Responsive and quick to provide feedback. Solution-oriented and curious.
Erik Asplund



LSI Group

Always a genuine and honest treatment at Atom Agency where problem solving, function and design are in focus.
Hossein Lavi



Urban Animal Design Studio AB

Atom Agency have always treated me with great interest, commitment and knowledge. Can really recommend these atoms✅
Lotten Bång



Buller & Bång Media

Atom Agency and Sarah help me with my website and everything related to marketing my business. And they do all this with aplomb. I feel safe as a self-employed person and I can always turn to them for questions and concerns that arise along the way.
Maria "Mia" Schannong

Maria "Mia"


Medical Foot Care Malmö

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