The new law on accessibility

On June 28, 2025, a new law will come into force in Sweden that will tighten the requirements for accessibility adaptation for companies.

4 July



Sarah Liljestrand
Marketing Strategist

What does the new law mean for your business?

Navigating a website can be a challenge for many users with different disabilities. A person with visual impairment may need a screen reader to interpret content, while someone with color blindness may have difficulty distinguishing important information if the colors are not properly adapted.

Users with motor difficulties, such as limited hand movement, rely on keyboard navigation, and people with cognitive impairments, such as dyslexia or autism, may need clear and structured information. In addition, those with hearing impairments may miss out on important parts of an experience if audio content is not subtitled. By understanding these challenges, we can create more inclusive and accessible digital experiences for all.

On June 28, 2025, a new law will come into force in Sweden requiring digital services and information to be accessible to all, regardless of disability. The law affects companies with a digital presence, especially those working in marketing. Here we explore how it changes the playing field for digital presence such as websites, videos and marketing.

Requirements for digital services and websites

To meet the requirements of the law, digital services, such as websites, apps and other platforms, must be accessible to all users. This means, among other things, that websites must work with assistive technologies such as screen readers, have sufficient contrast, be navigable with a keyboard and offer alternatives to images and videos, such as text descriptions.

For companies with a digital presence, this is an important part of their business. Lack of accessibility can lead to sanctions or fines, making it necessary to proactively review and adapt their digital platforms to comply with the guidelines.

At Atom Agency our staff are trained in accessibility standards such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), which allows us to create more inclusive and accessible digital solutions for our customers.

Which companies are affected by the law?

The new law applies to both public actors and businesses offering goods or services to the public. This means that everything from e-commerce companies to banks, restaurants and marketing agencies will have to ensure that their digital presence is accessible to everyone.

While small and medium-sized enterprises may face longer compliance deadlines in some cases, it is wise to start planning and adapting your digital strategies now. Complying with the new rules shows that your company is inclusive and forward-thinking.

How does the law affect your marketing?

For marketing agencies, the law means that all digital content - from website design to email marketing and social media - must be adapted to be accessible to all users. This can mean using clear texts, adapted images and subtitles for all video content.

It is also important to work on SEO strategies that take accessibility into account, for example by using proper headings, ALT texts for images and ensuring the page loads quickly and is easy to navigate. This not only improves compliance with the law, but also the user experience and the company's bottom line.

An opportunity for improvement

The new law may be perceived as a challenge, but it also presents a great opportunity. By ensuring that your digital presence is accessible to all, you can improve both your reputation and your reach. For marketing agencies, this is an opportunity to evolve, improve their services and offer even better solutions to their clients.

It's time to adapt your digital strategy to meet these demands and ensure your business is ready for the future. With the right preparations, the law can be the start of a more inclusive and successful era for digital marketing.

Two employees of Atom Agency organizing and planning accessibility for a project

We help you ensure that your website is accessible to everyone

Making your website accessible is not only a legal requirement from June 2025, but also an important part of building an inclusive brand and reaching a wider audience. At Atom Agency we have both the expertise and the tools to guide you through the accessibility requirements, from analysis and advice to implementing the necessary changes.

What we can help you with

  • Mapping and analysis
    conduct a thorough review of your website using market-leading tools to identify areas that need improvement.
  • Consulting and project management
    help you understand what actions are needed and how best to integrate accessibility into your company's workflows, and support your in-house team throughout the process.
  • Implementing changes
    you lack internal resources, we can take care of the whole process, from adjusting design and content to implementing technical improvements, to ensure your website meets all standards.
  • Continuous monitoring and updating
    help you keep your website updated according to the latest guidelines to always be in line with current accessibility requirements.

Tools to test and improve accessibility

For those who want to start on their own, there are several tools that can help you spot and fix common accessibility issues, such as checking heading levels, link clarity and text options for images. But accessibility is more than just technology - it's about understanding users' needs and creating a website that everyone can navigate and use easily.

No matter where you are in your journey towards a more inclusive digital presence, we're here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today for a free consultation, and we'll help you ensure your website is ready for the future!

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