How secure is your WordPress website?

Your WordPress website can be seriously vulnerable to malware if it is built from multiple free extensions, a study shows.

16 Mar



Daniel Herstedt
Managing Director

WordPress security questioned

Atom Agency has been working with WordPress for over ten years. We really like the open source, the options and the breadth of the platform. We are not alone in this. Today, WordPress is by far the most popular publishing platform in the world. 43.2 percent of all websites are built with WordPress, according to Bleeping Computer.

But the popularity of WordPress has a downside if you don't know about the platform and its risks. Worrying figures from cybersecurity firm Patchstack show that 29% of all WordPress plugins may contain vulnerabilities to malware attacks, but it is almost exclusively free plugins that are at risk. 91.38% of all flaws can be found in free plugins, but only 0.58% in the WordPress system itself.

What is the solution?

Of all flaws and vulnerabilities, paid, premium add-ons account for 8.62 of the total. The difference with free extensions is due to better code checking, more frequent updates and testing procedures. It is of course logical that premium extensions are significantly more secure, but it is not so obvious that web developers use them exclusively.

We at Atom Agency only use WordPress premium plugins to ensure maximum security and performance. We have about ten plugins that we use on several websites. This means we have good knowledge of its developers, security practices and updates.

Atom Agency support contract

All premium add-ons are included in our WordPress support contracts. We manage the licenses, updates and security on an ongoing basis. Atom Agency customers should not have to worry about their websites, or have to spend a lot of money on support, operation and maintenance. For this reason, we offer favorable support agreements to keep your website updated and secure, and to get help quickly when needed through our simple support portal.

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